Sunday, 28 September 2008

27th September - Bike

Hackney to Chelmsford - 52km

The plan was to do 74km to Braintree, but I cut it short due to my knee.
The first 10-15km the ride was ok, I could tell my knee was a little sore but nothing major unless I got out of the saddle.
After that the pain got worse and it was painful all the time, and very painful uphill and out of the saddle was impossible. As it was too far to turn back I went for Chelmsford.

The ride was actually a very nice route and I would like to do it again. There weren't any huge hills, so not great for hill training.

Other than the knee I felt ok, and no post ride aches otherwise except for saddle chaffage (nuf said)

Doctors on Wednesday to have a look at my knee (and calf).

Sunday, 21 September 2008

20th September - Lorton Sprint Triathlon

Swim 1.1km - 24.31
T1 - 6.00
Bike 22km - 49.02
T2 - 3.00
Run - 5km - 28.32
Total - 1h 51mins

Great event organised by Jim.

The swim was cold, I struggled with it, and didn't feel too great, I had difficulty breathing, andfelt dizzy when I came out (normal apprently).

The bike had a great first 7-8km of time trial style gradients which I really enjoyed, and I worked pretty hard. After that the hills started and they were tough, I pushed hard through them but perhaps put too much into them as they were painful. I had got Brett in my sights by the time the hills started and I killed my legs trying to get to him (and apparently he killed his trying to stop me). Definitely the hardest intensity I have ever worked to on my bike.

The run was a rubbish start, I felt a bit sick (probably a combination of a gel, plus lack of water, plus feeling very knackered) and I had pains in my left knee. I picked up the pace after 2km and felt better, although the knee was painful. I finished the run feeling better than I did when I started it.

Knee is a worry, Ryan has had ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome) and says it sounds exactly like that, which if it is is a REAL pain.
Left calf was ok though which is a bonus.

Thanks to Jim for a great weekend.
Well done to Ryan for winning.

Quote of the weekend:
Ryan: "I am a highly efficient tool"
Jim: "Well you're certainly a tool"

18th September - Swim

Worked on technique, finding it hard to push the old habits.
Didn't swim very far - overall rather frustrating

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

September 14th - London Duathlon - Richmond Park

9km run - 48.27
T1 - 1.48
20km bike - 46.03
T2 - 2.48
5km run - 29.49

Overall - 2.08.57

All in all - a pretty rubbish weekend.

I felt weak on both runs, even from the very start, I would say for a number of reasons, although the third being the main one, and the first two are more 'excuses':
1. I had played 90 minutes of football the day before
2. My calf was painful
3. Because I have been 'resting' my calf I have not done any recent running training (which equates to the point I have not really done any running training) and I was therefore simply unfit.

I did not overtake many people on the first run, and had quite a few go past me, which was depressing.
Once I got on the bike I felt a lot more comfortable and went past a lot of people. I felt strong and happy. Overgearing slightly but to no obvious detriment.
The final run was very tough. I had jelly legs and my calf was painful to the point I had pins and needles in my toes. I was not tired aerobically though.

Recovery was ok - I cycled 3-4 miles back to Sally's within 45 minutes of finishing without any problems.

In terms of the rest of the field. I finished overall top 40%, my runs were top 46% & top 50% respectively, and my bike was top 20%.

Overall I'm not pleased but not hugely disappointed. A lot of work to do on the run. Slightly worried about my calf, Anna has agreed to have a look at it.

Jean did very well, kicked my arse on both runs, and was only 40 seconds behind me overall. Well done!

AMAZING course, Richmond park is stunning for a London Park, would like to do some more training there.....hint hint Jim

Thursday, 11 September 2008

11th September - Swim

SwimForTri lesson - Brick Lane - 1 hour

This was a lesson in an endless pool with a guy called Dan Bullock. This is his website
I would recommend this to anyone, I was very impressed. It's a bit pricey but he's recommended no more than 4 sessions from now until Switzerland.

Actual swimming time was not massive, but the coaching was great. Seeing myself on video had an immediate effect, as I spotted my frantic legs! Things to work on:

- Palm of hand positioning backwards
- Bending the elbow in first 30% of stroke in order to get more of a backwards push rather than a downwards push
- Rolling the shoulders more to increase my reach, and to bring more upper body out of the water
- Keeping elbows high on left hand especially
- Keeping catch and pull within bodyline
- Less frantic legs! No bending of the knee

I think my sessions will now be dominated by technique work as I want to ensure I am not practising the wrong thing! He reckoned I should work on technique until about Christmas.
I think I will book another session in about a month.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

10th September - Swim


Went with Ryan as he had his new wetsuit.

Not a good session, arms and chest were tired from yesterday's gym session. I did the first 200m in 4.28 and then took it easy.
I tried bilateral breathing a bit. The stroke felt good, but after a length I had oxygen debt.
Generally a lazy session for me.

Ryan's swim was impressive.

9th September - Gym

Chest session with Andy

Bench press:
60kg x 10
90kg x 4
100kg x 2
90kg x 4

Dumbell press:
32kg x 6
32kg x 4
32kg x 3

3 sets of 20 sit ups

Felt good - Pleased I can still get 100 after so much slacking in the weights

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

9th September - Swim

1km - 25.28

Bit tired this morning, and having enjoyed the last wetsuit session, swimming without one felt shit.
Got through ok though, all crawl, no notable breaks. 200m splits were:

Thursday's session is in the endless pool. May go for a swim tomorrow.

Monday, 8 September 2008

6th September - Run

~45 minutes

Whilst in Norfolk I went for a run by the coast, not sure how far I went, but it wasn't very far, most of the terrain was sand, so the going was tough and my legs didn't feel that great from the start. Glad I did it though, achilles problem felt ok, started to twinge a bit in the last 5-10 minutes when I increased the pace.

Friday, 5 September 2008

5th September - Swim

2km - 49.02

First wetsuit swim, felt great, bouyancy was superb. Doubled my longest swim distance. Each split a 1km PB. 200m splits were:

The second 1km felt a lot more consistent and I was really pleased. 100% front crawl, only break was for a couple of minutes after the first 1km, and 30 seconds to tell Jim he is a jzimp as he left.

Jim Poole quote of the day:
"It's good to train out of wetsuits, so when you get in one you feel like Michael Phelps"
Is Phelps a jzimp too then?

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

2nd September - Run

~8km (at a guess) - 45 minutes

Not a good session. Ran along the canals with Jim. My left calf was painful from the start and severely hampered the pace. Was not particularly tired afterwards (which i suppose was comforting) but annoyed about my calf. Iced it afterwards but is still painful today. If it persists I will see a physio.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

2nd September - Swim

1km - 26.46 mins

Felt very good today, managed to do the whole kilometre in crawl with pretty much no breaks. Lifeguard pointed out I should try bilateral breathing. I have booked a lesson next Thursday with an endless pool in Brick Lane, so I will see what they say.
200m Splits were:

Jim's quote of the day:
"This isn't World of Warcraft, this is World of Pain!"
I think he's trying to go through the whole 'Sergeant in Vietnam phase' by being all stressy and bossy (especially happens in the morning), he even tried to tell me what to eat yesterday, but team manager Colin overruled. Thanks Cols