Sunday, 21 September 2008

20th September - Lorton Sprint Triathlon

Swim 1.1km - 24.31
T1 - 6.00
Bike 22km - 49.02
T2 - 3.00
Run - 5km - 28.32
Total - 1h 51mins

Great event organised by Jim.

The swim was cold, I struggled with it, and didn't feel too great, I had difficulty breathing, andfelt dizzy when I came out (normal apprently).

The bike had a great first 7-8km of time trial style gradients which I really enjoyed, and I worked pretty hard. After that the hills started and they were tough, I pushed hard through them but perhaps put too much into them as they were painful. I had got Brett in my sights by the time the hills started and I killed my legs trying to get to him (and apparently he killed his trying to stop me). Definitely the hardest intensity I have ever worked to on my bike.

The run was a rubbish start, I felt a bit sick (probably a combination of a gel, plus lack of water, plus feeling very knackered) and I had pains in my left knee. I picked up the pace after 2km and felt better, although the knee was painful. I finished the run feeling better than I did when I started it.

Knee is a worry, Ryan has had ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome) and says it sounds exactly like that, which if it is is a REAL pain.
Left calf was ok though which is a bonus.

Thanks to Jim for a great weekend.
Well done to Ryan for winning.

Quote of the weekend:
Ryan: "I am a highly efficient tool"
Jim: "Well you're certainly a tool"

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