Friday, 7 November 2008

6th November - Bike Assessment Session

1 hour with Kate Moorby.

This was at the physio clinic (I went to last week) to see their bike specialist about bike set up, and riding style/posture etc.

Points that came out:
- Seat was too high
- My cadence is too low and I should aim for 90-95 rpm
- I overgear too much
- Handlebars we at too much of a reach
- I need to engage my core muscles more to decrease lateral movement on the bike
- All of my leg muscles are too tight

She suggested that I:
- Down the mileage for now
- Avoid hill sessions
- Focus on high cadence work
- Use a 'roller ball' to work on my IT Band and Rec Fem
- Stretch
- Practice being out of the saddle a bit to engage more core muscles

I have booked in to see her again next week.

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