Tuesday, 30 December 2008

27th December - Bike

75-80km - 4 Hours

Route around Sussex with PJ & Duncan.

It was quite a cold ride, and extremely hilly, hence the slower pace. I struggled to keep up on the hills, but felt strong on the flats and downhills. I was glad for the uphill practice.

ITB felt fine (ish), my VM attachement felt a little sore, espcially if I stopped briefly then started again, the first 3-4 revolutions were painful.

Felt a bonk coming on with 15-20 km to go, but a bottle Coca Cola sorted me out, best stuff!

This ride really pointed out my need to practice hill climbing.

I would post the route, but PJ was routemaster (and got us lost a few times) so I have no idea where we went.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

20th December - Bike

Bike Session mit Jim - I'M BACK IN TRAINING!!!
55km - 2 Hours

Up to Epping Forest and back:


Knee was fine. I'm a bit out of shape and really struggled on hills, but generally quite pleased and worked fairly hard. Jim acted as wind break quite well.

Friday, 5 December 2008

4th December - Knee Update

Knee has been fairly pain free this week.

I saw Dr Bell who gave my knee a good examination. He seems to think my pain is in the popliteal region and not particularly the ITB. To be sure though, he has put me up for an MRI scan. Booked in for the 17th.

He has said that as it is not a tear or snap, training on the knee is not going to be harmful, just train to the point at which the pain starts to become uncomfortable.

It has been painful since the appointment as his poking around has irritated it.