Tuesday, 30 December 2008

27th December - Bike

75-80km - 4 Hours

Route around Sussex with PJ & Duncan.

It was quite a cold ride, and extremely hilly, hence the slower pace. I struggled to keep up on the hills, but felt strong on the flats and downhills. I was glad for the uphill practice.

ITB felt fine (ish), my VM attachement felt a little sore, espcially if I stopped briefly then started again, the first 3-4 revolutions were painful.

Felt a bonk coming on with 15-20 km to go, but a bottle Coca Cola sorted me out, best stuff!

This ride really pointed out my need to practice hill climbing.

I would post the route, but PJ was routemaster (and got us lost a few times) so I have no idea where we went.

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